We are achieving the energy transition


Chez Omexom, nous avons une conviction profonde – voire une certitude – que l’énergie sera au cœur du monde. C’est la nouvelle priorité et cela nous convient parfaitement car c’est la mission d’Omexom. Nous réalisons la transition énergétique. Réaliser la transition énergétique est notre mission et c’est aussi ce à quoi s’attendent les différents acteurs de notre environnement. Villes, entreprises, collectivités et plus largement les citoyens, tous travaillent sur cette transition énergétique.

Pour Omexom, réussir la transition énergétique, c’est répondre à trois défis :

1. Installer des sources d’énergie bas carbone et développer les réseaux

Nous devons abandonner les énergies fossiles qui représentent aujourd’hui 80% des sources d’énergie primaire dans le monde.

Aujourd’hui l’éolien et le solaire ne représentent que 6% de la production électrique. Cette part étant vouée à croitre très rapidement, nous devons adapter le réseau :

  • Il doit d’abord pouvoir accueillir plus de connexions de centrales solaires, éoliennes et hydrauliques.
  • Il doit être capable de faire face à des flux d’énergie très fluctuants, en fonction des conditions météorologiques.
  • Il doit être capable de faire face à la forte variabilité et intermittence grâce à de nouveaux actifs d’équilibrage.

2.Optimiser notre consommation d’énergie

La meilleure énergie est celle que nous ne consommons pas. Il est important de concevoir des solutions efficaces et sobres énergétiquement tout en utilisant des matériaux et des procédés plus efficaces. Pour chaque projet, cela signifie :

  • Accompagner nos clients sur la voie de la sobriété et de l’efficacité énergétiques en dimensionnant correctement notre offre à leurs besoins réels.

3. Capitaliser sur des solutions innovantes et collaboratives​

En intégrant le digital et toutes les améliorations qu’il apporte, nous devons continuer à développer des outils nous permettant d’être plus efficaces et de nouveaux types de contrats qui mettent l’énergie au cœur de nos préoccupations.

Nos actualités

04.02.2021 Belgium, Substations

Projet Elia Lillo 380/150/36 kV

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10.11.2020 Brazil, Transmission

Grid interconnections in Brazil

On November 2nd, Omexom in Brazil delivered Lot 26 for Energisa which includes a 230 kV Transmission Line with 267.4 km of extension in double circuit.
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05.11.2020 Substations, Sweden

Omexom is building a new substation for the Swedish grid operator Svenska kraftnät

Omexom teams are building a new 400 kV substation, Tovåsen, which will be built 25 km south Ånge in Gävleborg County in Sweden.
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28.10.2020 Norway, Overhead transmission lines, Transmission

22 kV High voltage line in Aremark

In Aremark, along Torpedalsveien, Omexom's teams in Norway have begun work on the new 22 kV high-voltage line, 12 m high, between Arbu and Brekke power station (South of Oslo).
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19.10.2020 Electric mobility

Public service concession contract of the Eborn electric charging stations

Easy Charge, a VINCI Group Business Unit dedicated to electric mobility, and the Fund for the Ecological Modernisation of Transport through its management company Demeter, have been awarded the public service delegation contract for the eborn network of electric charging stations.
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14.10.2020 Electric mobility, Germany

Intelligent charging infrastructure for bus in Germany

As emissions play an increasingly important role in urban areas, many municipal services and local transport companies are already converting part of their vehicle fleets to purely electric traction. This is notably the case of Omexom, which has already converted depots with high-current and intelligent technology for some of their customers.
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04.02.2021 Belgium, Substations

Projet Elia Lillo 380/150/36 kV

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10.11.2020 Brazil, Transmission

Grid interconnections in Brazil

On November 2nd, Omexom in Brazil delivered Lot 26 for Energisa which includes a 230 kV Transmission Line with 267.4 km of extension in double circuit.
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05.11.2020 Substations, Sweden

Omexom is building a new substation for the Swedish grid operator Svenska kraftnät

Omexom teams are building a new 400 kV substation, Tovåsen, which will be built 25 km south Ånge in Gävleborg County in Sweden.
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28.10.2020 Norway, Overhead transmission lines, Transmission

22 kV High voltage line in Aremark

In Aremark, along Torpedalsveien, Omexom's teams in Norway have begun work on the new 22 kV high-voltage line, 12 m high, between Arbu and Brekke power station (South of Oslo).
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19.10.2020 Electric mobility

Public service concession contract of the Eborn electric charging stations

Easy Charge, a VINCI Group Business Unit dedicated to electric mobility, and the Fund for the Ecological Modernisation of Transport through its management company Demeter, have been awarded the public service delegation contract for the eborn network of electric charging stations.
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14.10.2020 Electric mobility, Germany

Intelligent charging infrastructure for bus in Germany

As emissions play an increasingly important role in urban areas, many municipal services and local transport companies are already converting part of their vehicle fleets to purely electric traction. This is notably the case of Omexom, which has already converted depots with high-current and intelligent technology for some of their customers.
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04.02.2021 Belgium, Substations

Projet Elia Lillo 380/150/36 kV

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10.11.2020 Brazil, Transmission

Grid interconnections in Brazil

On November 2nd, Omexom in Brazil delivered Lot 26 for Energisa which includes a 230 kV Transmission Line with 267.4 km of extension in double circuit.
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05.11.2020 Substations, Sweden

Omexom is building a new substation for the Swedish grid operator Svenska kraftnät

Omexom teams are building a new 400 kV substation, Tovåsen, which will be built 25 km south Ånge in Gävleborg County in Sweden.
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28.10.2020 Norway, Overhead transmission lines, Transmission

22 kV High voltage line in Aremark

In Aremark, along Torpedalsveien, Omexom's teams in Norway have begun work on the new 22 kV high-voltage line, 12 m high, between Arbu and Brekke power station (South of Oslo).
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19.10.2020 Electric mobility

Public service concession contract of the Eborn electric charging stations

Easy Charge, a VINCI Group Business Unit dedicated to electric mobility, and the Fund for the Ecological Modernisation of Transport through its management company Demeter, have been awarded the public service delegation contract for the eborn network of electric charging stations.
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14.10.2020 Electric mobility, Germany

Intelligent charging infrastructure for bus in Germany

As emissions play an increasingly important role in urban areas, many municipal services and local transport companies are already converting part of their vehicle fleets to purely electric traction. This is notably the case of Omexom, which has already converted depots with high-current and intelligent technology for some of their customers.
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